To Belong is a photo exhibition for vocational education students in the Nordic countries. The NU exhibitions have been held yearly since 2017 by Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum in Helsinki (
The aim of the project is to network and develop media & art education in the Nordic countries and give students and schools a platform to meet and get visibility and to promote themselves. Since the year 2016 we have had the pleasure to collaborate with over hundred students from Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland.
Each year we thrive to find new methods to collaborate and share educational experiences between the schools among the teachers that are involved with the project. This year’s theme is To Belong.
The project is open to new partner schools from the Nordic countries also in the future. NU25 To Belong is a collaboration between Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum (FIN), LBS Kreativa Gymnasiet, Schillerska gymnasiet (SE), Tækniskólinn (IS), NEXT (DK) and Horten VGS (NO).
Bearing "Withness"
Introduction to Nu25 - "To Belong" Project by A. D. Coleman
“Only connect! That was her whole sermon.”
– E. M. Forster, Howards End (1910)
Writing more than a hundred years ago, the British novelist E. M. Forster foresaw the ways in which the technologies emerging in the 19th and early 20th centuries would disconnect us from each other, from the physical world, and from direct experience. Radios, telephones, films, photographs, telegraphs, cars, trains, airplanes, all with their promises to make the world smaller and bring us closer together … yet look at us now, arguably more alienated and isolated than ever before.
“To Belong” serves as the chosen theme for this 2025 edition of an established, annual, collaborative exhibition of work by a cross-section of young Nordic photography students. They have grown up taking for granted the most recent iterations of the technologies whose dangers Forster predicted: faster trains, planes, and cars, of course, but also computers, cellphones, digital still and video images, social media, the internet. From their idiosyncratic responses to the concept of belonging, two recurrent patterns emerge. The first addresses their engagement with others; the second reflects acceptance of their existential solitude.
Media teacher:
Nina Sederholm
Wallén Evan
Kevin Ella
Lervik Mico
Salakka Emil
Media teacher:
Sigrún Sæmundsdóttir
Aron Hugi Guðmundsson
Sindri Freyr Irisarson
Regína Jóhannesdóttir
Justin Ptasinsk
Mads Stahlschmidt
Christine Lorenzen
Media teacher:
Rita Myrseth
Patriks Priede
Hilma Aure Modal
Sara Basic
Simon Rydén (LBS)
Viktoria Lessner
Fideli Bäckman Hagström
Lisa Schachinger
Simon Öhman Thesslin (LBS)
Simon Johansson (LBS)