Jennifer Asplund

I am Jennifer, an 18-year-old student studying to become an Implementer of Visual Expression at Prakticum. I first got interested in photography in 6th grade and I like taking landscape photos of nature and the city. I also enjoy photographing close-ups. In the past year, I’ve started to focus more on illustrating, drawing, and painting. 

I interpreted this theme as something unstable, unpredictable, and unsafe. I made my photos quite dark to emphasize the feeling of uncertainty. Using dark pictures and dull colors I created a feeling like something is not quite right by, for instance, playing with brightness and shadows while editing. 

Jennifer Asplund

I am Jennifer, an 18-year-old student studying to become an Implementer of Visual Expression at Prakticum. I first got interested in photography in 6th grade and I like taking landscape photos of nature and the city. I also enjoy photographing close-ups. In the past year, I’ve started to focus more on illustrating, drawing, and painting. 

I interpreted this theme as something unstable, unpredictable, and unsafe. I made my photos quite dark to emphasize the feeling of uncertainty. Using dark pictures and dull colors I created a feeling like something is not quite right by, for instance, playing with brightness and shadows while editing.