Hlín Guðmundsdóttir

My name is Hlín Guðmundsdóttir and I am 24 years old. I study photography at the Technical school of Reykjavík. I have always loved taking pictures, even as a little girl.

My passion for photography started around the year of 2017. That year I moved back to Iceland from my exchange year in the US. I fell in love with Icelandic nature and would take endless pictures of the nature on my trips around the country. I started in nature photography but now as I am learning more in school I like all kinds of photography, love learning new techniques with the camera.

My take on this assignment “uncertainty” was simply taking a picture of different empty spaces and having a person on the move in the photo so the uncertainty is “what is this person doing and why is she there”.

Hlín Guðmundsdóttir

My name is Hlín Guðmundsdóttir and I am 24 years old. I study photography at the Technical school of Reykjavík. I have always loved taking pictures, even as a little girl.

My passion for photography started around the year of 2017. That year I moved back to Iceland from my exchange year in the US. I fell in love with Icelandic nature and would take endless pictures of the nature on my trips around the country. I started in nature photography but now as I am learning more in school I like all kinds of photography, love learning new techniques with the camera.

My take on this assignment “uncertainty” was simply taking a picture of different empty spaces and having a person on the move in the photo so the uncertainty is “what is this person doing and why is she there”.