Auðbjörg Helga Guðmundsdóttir

My name is Auðbjörg Helga Guðmundsdóttir and I am a 26 year old photography student. From a young age I’ve loved to be creative and expressing myself through different kinds of art and studying photography has helped me put that on another level. 

I have had a few family members that have either died or are currently suffering from Alzheimer’s disease which has been very difficult. Seeing them slowly fade away and lose themselves into uncertainty while still being there for them can be incredibly hard. 

The photos give an insight into how it is and feels to have the disease.

Auðbjörg Helga Guðmundsdóttir

My name is Auðbjörg Helga Guðmundsdóttir and I am a 26 year old photography student. From a young age I’ve loved to be creative and expressing myself through different kinds of art and studying photography has helped me put that on another level. 

I have had a few family members that have either died or are currently suffering from Alzheimer’s disease which has been very difficult. Seeing them slowly fade away and lose themselves into uncertainty while still being there for them can be incredibly hard. 

The photos give an insight into how it is and feels to have the disease.