Andrés Blær Oddsson

My name is Andrés Blær Oddsson, I’m a 19 year old photography student at the Technical school of Reykjavík. Raised in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. Creative from a very young age and surprisingly I developed an obsession for photography.

Uncertainty is scary and that word takes away any control. How do you portray such a wide concept? When the pandemic started something changed and I did not have to be in total control of my life. I realized that all you can do is prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Nothing is certain. That realization left uncertainty not so scary.

In these photographs I show the beautiful side of uncertainty in an abstract way. Further explanation is not required. I want other people to dive into their own creative interpretation.

Andrés Blær Oddsson

My name is Andrés Blær Oddsson, I’m a 19 year old photography student at the Technical school of Reykjavík. Raised in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. Creative from a very young age and surprisingly I developed an obsession for photography.

Uncertainty is scary and that word takes away any control. How do you portray such a wide concept? When the pandemic started something changed and I did not have to be in total control of my life. I realized that all you can do is prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Nothing is certain. That realization left uncertainty not so scary. In these photographs I show the beautiful side of uncertainty in an abstract way.

Further explanation is not required. I want other people to dive into their own creative interpretation.