Tilda Lundgren Berbres

My name is Tilda and i’m 17 years old. I’m still exploring photography a lot but I really like to use nature in my photos since it helps to convey a lot of emotions. 

This theme came with a lot of feelings since uncertainty and anxiety are often related, which I tried to incorporate in my photos. The photos are quite simple and barely edited to keep the raw feeling but they’re still full of emotions. 

This project made me think about the connection between our own uncertainty but also uncertainty in the world around us which was a really interesting concept to explore.

Tilda Lundgren Berbres

My name is Tilda and i’m 17 years old. I’m still exploring photography a lot but I really like to use nature in my photos since it helps to convey a lot of emotions. 

This theme came with a lot of feelings since uncertainty and anxiety are often related, which I tried to incorporate in my photos. The photos are quite simple and barely edited to keep the raw feeling but they’re still full of emotions. 

This project made me think about the connection between our own uncertainty but also uncertainty in the world around us which was a really interesting concept to explore.