Sofie Herranen

My name is Sofie Herranen and I am 27 years old. I currently live in Porvoo but originally I come from Espoo.

I got my very first own digital camera when I was about 14 years old. Ever since that photography has been one of my passions. 

This theme about uncertainty feels close to me right now, life is uncertain and uncertainty is often connected to worries about the future and all the bad things you can anticipate happening. Even though we have all the worries in our lives we still try to find the light in it. 

Sofie Herranen

My name is Sofie Herranen and I am 27 years old. I currently live in Porvoo but originally I come from Espoo.

I got my very first own digital camera when I was about 14 years old. Ever since that photography has been one of my passions. 

This theme about uncertainty feels close to me right now, life is uncertain and uncertainty is often connected to worries about the future and all the bad things you can anticipate happening. Even though we have all the worries in our lives we still try to find the light in it.