Laimonas Dom Baranauskas

My name is Laimonas Dom Baranauskas, and I am a 27 years old photography student at the Technical College in Reykjavík.

My Uncertainty takes the viewer to the forest of my childhood. When visiting friends, I would cross a gravel road that led me through a forest. During the day, light and birds protected me, but in the evening the path home would become fearful. I would walk on the road, with my hands over my eyes, looking down at my feet, too scared to face the fears watching me from the forest.

In this project, I captured the uncertainty of who might have been watching me, the fears or lost souls in need of help.

Laimonas Dom Baranauskas

My name is Laimonas Dom Baranauskas, and I am a 27 years old photography student at the Technical College in Reykjavík.

My Uncertainty takes the viewer to the forest of my childhood. When visiting friends, I would cross a gravel road that led me through a forest. During the day, light and birds protected me, but in the evening the path home would become fearful. I would walk on the road, with my hands over my eyes, looking down at my feet, too scared to face the fears watching me from the forest.

In this project, I captured the uncertainty of who might have been watching me, the fears or lost souls in need of help.