Chaimongkhon Pimpila

My name is Chaimongkhon Pimpila, I am currently 17 years of age. I live in Sweden and I study photography and filmmaking. I enjoy skateboarding which makes it natural for me to do skate photography. 

In this project I interpreted the theme uncertainty as both unsure and unsafe which is what skateboarding is about. Sometimes there are risks you have to take and your biggest enemy is your mind and to face your fears. 

My photography contains content with actions. Something is happening or about to happen. 

Chaimongkhon Pimpila

My name is Chaimongkhon Pimpila, I am currently 17 years of age. I live in Sweden and I study photography and filmmaking. I enjoy skateboarding which makes it natural for me to do skate photography. 

In this project I interpreted the theme uncertainty as both unsure and unsafe which is what skateboarding is about. Sometimes there are risks you have to take and your biggest enemy is your mind and to face your fears. 

My photography contains content with actions. Something is happening or about to happen.