Anni Jonasson

My name is Anni Jonasson, a 17-year-old student originally from the Porvoo archipelago. I grew up in Loviisa, and now I’m a media student at Prakticum in Porvoo. I prefer taking photos in my free time spontaneously of my friends and family. Uncertainty is something I struggle with a lot, especially since I’m a bit of a control-freak. 

I believe most humans struggle with it although it’s in our nature to find the truth in a world of uncertainty. In my pictures I wanted to include the feeling of uncertainty in everyday life while also trying to accept the feeling of it.

Anni Jonasson

My name is Anni Jonasson, a 17-year-old student originally from the Porvoo archipelago. I grew up in Loviisa, and now I’m a media student at Prakticum in Porvoo. I prefer taking photos in my free time spontaneously of my friends and family. Uncertainty is something I struggle with a lot, especially since I’m a bit of a control-freak. 

I believe most humans struggle with it although it’s in our nature to find the truth in a world of uncertainty. In my pictures I wanted to include the feeling of uncertainty in everyday life while also trying to accept the feeling of it.