Justinas Ptasinskas

My name is Justinas Ptasinskas, or Jussi. I’m an 18-year-old artist and photographer. I began my artistic journey at a young age, but I have somewhat regressed in recent years due to my interest in photography and filmmaking.

For the theme “To Belong” I just wanted to make something that made my artistic capabilities more active by using in-camera multi-exposure and drawings. My interpretation is, “Belonging in Uncertainty.”, or in other words, “Facing the Unknown.”, which relates to my interest in psychological horror and dream-like qualities.

I have always been a fan of abstract forms of messaging; I like it when there are multiple interpretations of a piece, conspiring in multiple theories and ideas.

Justinas Ptasinskas

My name is Justinas Ptasinskas, or Jussi. I’m an 18-year-old artist and photographer. I began my artistic journey at a young age, but I have somewhat regressed in recent years due to my interest in photography and filmmaking.

For the theme “To Belong” I just wanted to make something that made my artistic capabilities more active by using in-camera multi-exposure and drawings. My interpretation is, “Belonging in Uncertainty.”, or in other words, “Facing the Unknown.”, which relates to my interest in psychological horror and dream-like qualities.

I have always been a fan of abstract forms of messaging; I like it when there are multiple interpretations of a piece, conspiring in multiple theories and ideas.