Nina Stenberg

A toy car waits on a storage shelf for forty years, a tree is protected by its kin for decades before the surrounding forest is cut down and the wind comes. An apartment was a brand new home in the 1960s, now empty and out of date. 

The light, place and passing of time inspire me and, in a world full of visual perfection, I feel the need to bring forward the imperfections and things that have waited for a long time. Originally a geographer turned nurse, photography is both a new horizon and venture for me.

Nina Stenberg

A toy car waits on a storage shelf for forty years, a tree is protected by its kin for decades before the surrounding forest is cut down and the wind comes. An apartment was a brand new home in the 1960s, now empty and out of date. 

The light, place and passing of time inspire me and, in a world full of visual perfection, I feel the need to bring forward the imperfections and things that have waited for a long time. Originally a geographer turned nurse, photography is both a new horizon and venture for me.